From 1916:
A common mistake in purchasing food is in buying the more expensive kinds when cheaper ones would serve the purpose as well, says one of Uncle Sam’s home economics lessons. Many a housekeeper who sincerely tries to do the best for her family buys high-priced steaks when, for the same amount of money, it would be possible to get twice as much nourishment from a cheaper cut. A shoulder of mutton, prepared with skill, becomes a dish fit for any table. Here is one of Uncle Sam’s pie recipes:
Twelve O’clock Pie
This is made with shoulder of mutton, boiled with carrot and onion, then cut up, mixed with potatoes separately boiled and cut up and put into a baking dish.
The crust is made by mixing smoothly mashed potatoes to which a tablespoonful of shortening has been added, with enough flour and water to make them roll out easily.
A pie made of a pound of meat will require 5 or 6 boiled potatoes, a cupful of mashed potatoes and 8 or 10 tablespoonfuls of flour, and should be baked about 20 minutes in a hot oven. Salt, pepper and other seasoning, as onion and carrot, may be added to taste.
A teaspoonful of baking powder makes the crust lighter.