From 1922:

Pigeons are more popular articles of diet than is generally supposed. Many people regard them principally as belonging to invalid dietary, but this is quite an erroneous view to take. One might just as correctly catalogue them as fare for epicures. They certainly are popular with epicures, and they are excellent “light diet” for the convalescent’s tray. But conceding all this, yet we must… Continue reading


Take some nice venison steaks and flour them well; have a frying pan on stove with plenty of nice hot fat and put steaks in; let them get a nice light brown on both sides, then add half a small clove of garlic cut up fine and fill pan two-thirds full of cold water, salt and pepper to taste, and you will have a dish fit for a… Continue reading

Fricasseed Tripe

Cut a pound of tripe in narrow strips, put a small cup of water or milk to it, add a bit of butter the size of an egg, dredge in a large teaspoonful of flour, or work it with the butter; season with pepper and salt, let it simmer gently for half an hour, serve hot. A bunch of parsley cut small and put with it is an improvement… Continue reading