From 1917: Select parts from two loins containing ribs, scrape flesh from bones between ribs as far as the lean meat. Then trim off the back bone. Shape each piece in a semi-circle, having ribs on the outside, then sew pieces together to form a crown. Trim the ends of the bones off evenly and be sure not to leave them too long. Wrap each bone in a strip of… Continue reading
Category: Lamb & Mutton
Make a short crust with ¼ lb. dripping or lard rubbed into ¾ lb. of flour, a little salt, and enough water to form a pliable paste. Roll out on a floured board to about half an inch thick. Cut into rounds, two for each patty-tin. Grease the tins, line them with one round of pastry, and put into each about a dessertspoonful of cold cooked mutton, minced small, and… Continue reading
Select two pounds of the scrag end of young mutton. Cut the meat into small pieces, discarding all superfluous fat. Place in a casserole, after browning over in a little hot dripping, and add one cupful of dried flageolets (which are green-colored French beans), one pint of boiling water, two onions cut in slices, salt, celery salt and pepper to taste, and one small head of lettuce, torn… Continue reading
Broiled Mutton Chops
Loin of mutton, pepper and
Loin of mutton, pepper and Continue reading
Mutton Cutlets
the bones should be chopped
the bones should be chopped Continue reading
Minced Lamb with Olives
Toast small pieces of bread and place where they will keep hot. Remove skin and gristle from lamb and chop the meat. Add gravy to moisten the cooked meat and half cup of chopped green olives. Season with pepper and salt, and after thoroughly heating, place it on the toast and serve… Continue reading
Irish Stew
Cut about two mounds of mutton
Cut about two mounds of mutton Continue reading
Lamb Chops and Oranges
Did you ever try mixing lamb chops and oranges?
Did you ever try mixing lamb chops and oranges? Continue reading
Potato and Minced Mutton Pudding
Mince 1 lb. of lean mutton
Mince 1 lb. of lean mutton Continue reading
This is a very tasty breakfast dish
This is a very tasty breakfast dish Continue reading
Sufficient for 6 persons.
Sufficient for 6 persons. Continue reading
Mutton Steak Pudding
Cut the meat into small pieces and season them well with
Cut the meat into small pieces and season them well with Continue reading
Thoroughly clean and put on to boil in cold water a
Thoroughly clean and put on to boil in cold water a Continue reading
Take a nice tender forequarter or only the ribs of lamb or mutton
Take a nice tender forequarter or only the ribs of lamb or mutton Continue reading
Three or four pounds of the middle or best end of a neck of mutton
Three or four pounds of the middle or best end of a neck of mutton Continue reading
Take a neck of mutton, cut it in nice thick cutlets
Take a neck of mutton, cut it in nice thick cutlets Continue reading
Chop a large onion finely and brown. Make sauce with
Chop a large onion finely and brown. Make sauce with Continue reading
Scalloped Lamb
Remove skin and fat from thin slices of cold roast lamb
Remove skin and fat from thin slices of cold roast lamb Continue reading
Irish Stew
Cut the meat into small pieces; remove pieces of fat and fry out the fat and brown meat in it. When well
Cut the meat into small pieces; remove pieces of fat and fry out the fat and brown meat in it. When well Continue reading
Lamb Soufflé
From 1922:
Two cups cold, cooked, chopped lamb,
1 ½ cups milk,
½ cup stale, soft bread crumbs,
1 ½ teaspoons salt,
½ teaspoon paprika,
3 eggs, whites and yolks, beaten separately,
2 tablespoons butter,
1 teaspoon finely cut parsley.
Heat milk, bread crumbs and butter and cook until thickened; add meat and seasonings and beaten egg yolks. Beat whites of eggs until stiff, then carefully fold them… Continue reading