From 1917: Dissolve two cups of brown sugar in a little black coffee and one dessert spoonful of soda. Add four tablespoons of lard, a little salt, then one scant cup of hot black coffee, and last, but not least, pepper to taste. Take one cup of graham and three cups of wheat flour and roll it about one inch thick… Continue reading
Category: Old Cookie Recipes
Cocoa Drop Cookies
Cream six tablespoonfuls of butter or oleo with one cupful of sugar and five tablespoonfuls of cocoa. Add well beaten eggs. Beat well, and add two cupfuls of flour, which has been sifted with two tablespoonfuls of baking powder and one tablespoonful of milk. Drop by spoonful on oiled paper and dust with chopped nuts. Bake in a quick oven… Continue reading
From 1905:
Two pounds of seeded (not seedless) raisins, one pound of currants, one pint or chopped nuts (any kind liked,) one quart of New Orleans syrup, one pint of lard, one pint of buttermilk, two grated nutmegs, one tablespoonful of soda.
After thoroughly flouring the fruit, put in all the ingredients and mix with sufficient flour to make a stiff dough, as you would mix bread. Do this at… Continue reading
White lemon Cookies
Filled Cookies
Honey Cookies
2/3 cup honey
2/3 cup sugar
2 ½ cups flour
¼ teaspoon soda
1 ½ teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon allspice
2 oz. finely chopped candied orange peel
½ lb. walnut meat chopped finely
Sift together the flour, spices and soda and add other ingredients. Knead thoroughly, roll out thin and cut with biscuit cutter. These cookies are very hard.… Continue reading
Raisin Oatmeal Cookies
From 1921:
This recipe comes to us with the recommendation that the children can “eat any amount without any bad after effects.” We opine that there may be decidedly good after effects if any degree of moderation is observed.
Also there is a warning not to bake the little cakes too long, or
they will become very hard upon cooling. This was found through
sad experience. They should… Continue reading
One-Egg Cookies
Cream half a cupful of butter with a cupful of powdered sugar; beat an egg very light and stir into the creamed sugar and butter. Beat hard for a minute; add a cupful of milk, a teaspoonful of vanilla and 2 ½ cupfuls of flour, sifted twice with 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Mix into a soft dough, roll thin, cut into rounds of any shape you like… Continue reading
“Sand” Cookies
From 1910:
Cream together a cupful of butter and 2 of granulated sugar. Beat 2 eggs very light — yolks and whites separately — and add the yolks to the creamed butter and sugar. Stir in ½ teaspoonful of nutmeg. Sift in 2 cupfuls of flour twice with a teaspoonful of baking powder and add, alternately, with the whipped whites. If not stiff enough for rolling… Continue reading
Jersey Cookies
Cream together a cup of butter and 2 of powdered sugar; beat into this 3 eggs, whipped light; stir in a teaspoonful each of powdered cloves and mace and ½ teaspoonful of soda dissolved in boiling water. Have 2 cups of fried and sifted flour, and work in cautiously. The dough should be just stiff enough to be rolled out. Cut into round cakes, stick a raisin in… Continue reading
Champagne Wafers for Christmas Ice Cream
Take six ounces of powdered sugar and three well beaten eggs, and three ounces of flour, a teaspoon of vanilla extract and beat together thoroughly. Drop a teaspoon of this mixture on small, flat baking tins and spread out very thinly. Bake for three minutes in a hot oven. When brown at the edge, they are done, and should be taken out and rolled round a stick the… Continue reading
Fruit Rocks
These will keep fresh
These will keep fresh Continue reading
One cup of sugar, one-half cup of butter, one-half cup of milk, two cups of flour, a little vanilla, a teaspoon of baking powder.
Spread with a teaspoon on a baking pan. When baked roll, while hot, into cornucopias or any style or shape desired… Continue reading
Pecan Cookies
bake in a moderate oven
bake in a moderate oven Continue reading
Oatmeal Cookies
will keep well for weeks
will keep well for weeks Continue reading
Five O’clock Teas
Work one-fourth cup of butter
Work one-fourth cup of butter Continue reading
Eggless Cookies
From 1912:
Cream together one cup of lard and 1 ½ cups of sugar, add a generous pinch of salt, 1 cup of buttermilk, in which dissolve one teaspoonful of soda, a teaspoonful of vanilla, and flour to make a soft dough. Bake in a quick oven… Continue reading
Brandy Snaps
Mix together ½ lb.
Mix together ½ lb. Continue reading
Raisin Fingers
4 oz. flour, 2 oz. maize flour
4 oz. flour, 2 oz. maize flour Continue reading
These cookies ought to be of the soft variety
These cookies ought to be of the soft variety Continue reading
sprinkle with cocoanut and sugar
sprinkle with cocoanut and sugar Continue reading
Brandy Snaps
they are well known at the English fairs
they are well known at the English fairs Continue reading
Shortbread Biscuits
Beat ½ lb. of castor sugar
Beat ½ lb. of castor sugar Continue reading
Maple Marguerites
One cup maple sirup,
One cup maple sirup, Continue reading
Cream 1 cupful brown sugar and two-thirds of a
Cream 1 cupful brown sugar and two-thirds of a Continue reading
Chocolate Cream Fingers
Put in a bowl 8oz. flour
Put in a bowl 8oz. flour Continue reading
Chocolate Macaroons
Take ¾ lb. of ground almonds,
Take ¾ lb. of ground almonds, Continue reading
American Cookies
Four tablespoonfuls sugar,
Four tablespoonfuls sugar, Continue reading
Quarter of a pound of
Quarter of a pound of Continue reading
One and a half cupfuls of
One and a half cupfuls of Continue reading
1 lb. stoned and chopped
1 lb. stoned and chopped Continue reading
Two cups of sugar, one cup of
Two cups of sugar, one cup of Continue reading
This makes a small batch.
This makes a small batch. Continue reading
Sprinkle lightly with desiccated cocoanut
Sprinkle lightly with desiccated cocoanut Continue reading
Chocolate Cream Fingers
Put into a bowl 8oz. of flour
Put into a bowl 8oz. of flour Continue reading
Andrew’s Gingerbread
Take 1 lb. of flour, ½ lb.
Take 1 lb. of flour, ½ lb. Continue reading
Put butter in basin and squeeze it near
Put butter in basin and squeeze it near Continue reading
One cupful of strained honey, one cup each of
One cupful of strained honey, one cup each of Continue reading
Ginger Nuts
Take 3 cupfuls of flour, 1 teaspoonful baking soda
Take 3 cupfuls of flour, 1 teaspoonful baking soda Continue reading
Cocoanut Biscuits
Two pounds of flour, ½ lb. sugar, ½ lb
Two pounds of flour, ½ lb. sugar, ½ lb Continue reading
Cream one cup of butter and one
Cream one cup of butter and one Continue reading
Graham Cookies
One cup each of sugar and baking molasses
One cup each of sugar and baking molasses Continue reading
Lemon Wafers
Mix 2 tablespoonfuls powdered loaf sugar
Mix 2 tablespoonfuls powdered loaf sugar Continue reading
Cream together one cupful each brown sugar and butter
Cream together one cupful each brown sugar and butter Continue reading
Chocolate Macaroons
Put the chocolate freshly grated into a basin
Put the chocolate freshly grated into a basin Continue reading
Almond Cream Rocks
Take ½ lb. flour, 2oz. margarine, 2oz. sugar
Take ½ lb. flour, 2oz. margarine, 2oz. sugar Continue reading
Raisin Squares
Rub the butter, flour and sugar together,
Rub the butter, flour and sugar together, Continue reading
Take 10oz. flour, 5oz. butter, 5oz. sugar
Take 10oz. flour, 5oz. butter, 5oz. sugar Continue reading
1 quart of N. O. molasses or honey, ½ pound of citron
1 quart of N. O. molasses or honey, ½ pound of citron Continue reading
Oatmeal Cookys
Cream ¾ of a cup of butter with 1 cupful of sugar
Cream ¾ of a cup of butter with 1 cupful of sugar Continue reading