Category: Breakfast
“All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.” -John Gunther
“I went to a restaurant that serves “breakfast at any time”. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.” -Steven Wright
“Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast.” -Oscar Wilde
Grape & Pear Conserve
Bran Gems
Peanut Butter
German Pancake or “Puffer”
Bran Pancakes
Corn Fritters
Dried Apricot Jelly
Strawberry Preserves
Pick over, wash, drain and hull berries. Then weigh. Fill sterilized glass jars with strawberries. Make a syrup by boiling three-fourths their weight in sugar with water, allowing one cup to each pound of sugar. Cook syrup about fifteen minutes and skim. Pour syrup over fruit until jars overflow. Allow to stand about ten minutes, when fruit will have shrunk. More fruit must be added to fill jars… Continue reading
Gooseberry Jam
To eight pounds of gooseberries, tailed and topped, allow one quart of currant juice and five pounds of granulated sugar; put the sugar and currant juice in a porcelain lined kettle, boil and skim; then add the gooseberries, let them simmer gently for three-quarters of an hour, then set away for two days. Bring again quickly to a boiling point until every berry is perfectly transparent. During the… Continue reading
Marmalade: Remove stalks and seeds, and put the fruit into a preserving pan, barely cover with boiling water, and simmer gently till perfectly soft. Pass the whole through a fine sieve, and return the pulp to the preserving pan. To each pound add 12oz. to 16 oz. of sugar (according to the degree of sweetness required), and boil from 20 to 30 minutes, reckoning from the time the whole mass… Continue reading
Raisin Hot Cakes
Serve these with maple sirup some Sunday night for supper or as a dessert after a light dinner.
Two cups sour milk, ½ teaspoon salt, 1 ¼ teaspoons soda, 2 ¼ cups white flour, ¼ cup corn meal, 1 egg, ½ cup seeded and chopped raisins.
Mix and sift flour, salt and soda. Beat egg well and add sour milk. Add raisins to the first mixture and stir… Continue reading
Marrow Ginger
8 pounds vegetable marrow, 6 pounds sugar, 2 dessertspoonfuls of ground ginger, a quarter pound of preserved ginger, 3 lemons, half a teaspoonful of cayenne. Let marrow and sugar stand for 20 hours, and then boil until the syrup thickens like honey. The best marrows are the young ones. You should be able to press the thumb nail into the skin… Continue reading
Orange Marmalade
boil briskly until reduced
boil briskly until reduced Continue reading
Orange and Apple Preserve
From 1911:
Peel some oranges, and simmer them until tender. Then cut them into slices and put them into jelly glasses. Now prepare some apple jelly, and pour it over them so as to fill the glasses.… Continue reading
Orange and Carrot Marmalade
seal with paraffin
seal with paraffin Continue reading
Corn Griddle Cakes
Cook on a hot greased griddle
Cook on a hot greased griddle Continue reading
Vegetable Marrow Jam
the rind of the lemons can be omitted
the rind of the lemons can be omitted Continue reading
From 1922:
To one pound of dried apricots allow 3½ pints soft water and 3½ lbs. sugar. Put fruit in a large basin and pour on water. Let stand all night. Next morning pour into pan and add sugar. Bring to the boil and then cook about one hour or till thick enough. The longer it boils the darker it gets… Continue reading
Rhubarb for Jelly Making
makes a perfectly firm jelly
makes a perfectly firm jelly Continue reading
Rhubarb and Raisin Jam
Wash and cut in one inch pieces two bunches of rhubarb. Add one and one-half cups of sugar, two cups of seeded raisins.
Cook slowly for one and one-half hours and then pour into sterilized glasses. Cool. Cover with paraffin and then seal in the usual manner… Continue reading
Maple Waffles
Beat the yolks of 2 eggs
Beat the yolks of 2 eggs Continue reading
Spider Corn Cakes
Sift 1 ½ cups cornmeal
Sift 1 ½ cups cornmeal Continue reading
Corn Cakes With Water
Mix 4 cupfuls sifted
Mix 4 cupfuls sifted Continue reading
Boil four hours
Boil four hours Continue reading
Blackberry Jam
It may be converted into jelly
It may be converted into jelly Continue reading
a fair equivalent for bar le duc
a fair equivalent for bar le duc Continue reading
Small, tart plums may be used
Small, tart plums may be used Continue reading
With any treatment the marmalade is delicious.
With any treatment the marmalade is delicious. Continue reading
Peach jelly may also be made from this recipe.
Peach jelly may also be made from this recipe. Continue reading
Apple Butter
Plum butter may be made in the same way
Plum butter may be made in the same way Continue reading
Five large quinces, 5 lb. sugar
Five large quinces, 5 lb. sugar Continue reading
Strip the fruit and weigh
Strip the fruit and weigh Continue reading
Gooseberry Jam
should be picked when they are fully grown
should be picked when they are fully grown Continue reading
Orange and Pineapple Jam
Tinned pineapple does not give as satisfactory a result
Tinned pineapple does not give as satisfactory a result Continue reading
Orange Marmalade
Slice finely 12 good-sized
Slice finely 12 good-sized Continue reading
Red Currant Jam
wash them before picking off the
wash them before picking off the Continue reading
Cherry Jam
Kentish cherries make the best jam
Kentish cherries make the best jam Continue reading
Fig Jam – Not Too Sweet
Put the figs into a basin of boiling
Put the figs into a basin of boiling Continue reading
Lemon Marmalade
From 1922:
Six lemons, sliced very thinly and cut into small pieces, 10 cupfuls water. Soak in same all night. Put in preserving pan next morning with 8 cupfuls sugar, and boil until skin forms. It is then ready for bottling… Continue reading
Baked Apple Jelly
Take 2 quarts of apples,
Take 2 quarts of apples, Continue reading
Ripe Grape Jelly
Stem the grapes, wash them, and pu
Stem the grapes, wash them, and pu Continue reading
Grape Marmalade
Pick the grapes from the stems, and measure
Pick the grapes from the stems, and measure Continue reading
Green Grapes Preserved
Wash the grapes, remove them
Wash the grapes, remove them Continue reading
Green Grape Jelly
For this purpose the wild or “fox” grapes, as they are called in some parts of the country, are the best.
For this purpose the wild or “fox” grapes, as they are called in some parts of the country, are the best. Continue reading
Fig Conserve
Take 6 lb. nice firm ripe figs
Take 6 lb. nice firm ripe figs Continue reading
Six lemons,
Six lemons, Continue reading
Rhubarb Marmalade
Cut in pieces six pounds of rhubarb
Cut in pieces six pounds of rhubarb Continue reading
Peel off the skins and cut
Peel off the skins and cut Continue reading
This is a very delicious variety of pancake
This is a very delicious variety of pancake Continue reading