Eight or 10 tomatoes, 2 tablespoonfuls butter, 3 lumps sugar, saltspoonful ground mace, breakfastcupful water or stock, breakfastcupful milk, dessertspoonful flour, pepper and salt to taste, half an onion finely sliced and minced, 2 or 3 sprigs of herbs if available. Melt 1 tablespoonful butter, add the flour, and cook a little, then add the milk, stirring vigorously to get rid of all lumps. When the sauce is smooth season with pepper and salt. In another saucepan put the tomatoes cut up small, 1 tablespoonful butter, the sugar, mace, water, onion, and a little salt and pepper, also the herbs if any. Cook until the tomatoes are quite soft, then pass the whole through a sieve, and add it to the white sauce. If too thick, a little water may be added. Boil it up and serve with strips of thin toast, or with dice of bread, fried crisp.
serve with strips of thin toast