Tomato Catsup with Peach Leaves

keep in a cool place.

One bushel of firm, ripe tomatoes, cut up with out peeling, put into a preserving kettle with about one quart of water; throw into the kettle a large handful of fresh, clean peach leaves, with ten to twelve large onions chopped fine. Boil these together until the tomatoes are well done a couple of hours, then strain through a coarse-meshed sieve. Pour the pulp back in the kettle (which should have been washed), and add half a gallon of good, strong cider vinegar. Have ready two ounces each of ground allspice, ground black pepper and ground mustard, half an ounce of ground cloves, two nutmegs grated, two pounds of light brown sugar and half a pint of salt (if more salt is liked, suit the taste), mix these ingredients well before putting into the boiler with the tomato pulp, then boil two hours, or until the proper consistency, stirring constantly to keep from burning. If liked hot, add a little cayenne. When cool, fill into small bottles and cork tightly, keep in a cool place.