Sweet Potato Pie

Boil sufficient sweet potatoes to make a pint of pulp when rubbed through a sieve; add a pint of sweet milk, a small cupful of sugar, a little salt, the beaten yolks of two eggs and, if liked, a teaspoonful of lemon juice. Bake in a shallow pan lined with rich crust. Beat the whites of two eggs with confectioner’s sugar, making a meringue, put on top of the pie after it is baked and return to the oven to “set” not to brown; Irish potatoes may be used the same way.
Sweet Potato Pie (southern way)
Have ready a nice crust, lining a deep pie tin. Boil the sweet potatoes until quite tender; slice into the pie-crust, sprinkle over it very little salt a cupful of sugar, a little allspice and drop plentifully over all bits of sweet fresh butter; then cover with a second crust and bake until done but not too brown. If this is
too dry a little of the water in which the potatoes were boiled may be added before covering.