From 1911:
If you should have a box or two of berries that are scarcely worthy of making their appearance at your table, try the experiment of turning them into a pudding and see with what enthusiasm your product will be received.
First convert your berries into pulp, being sure you have about a quart of berries and juice when you have finished; then crumble enough stale cake to give you a pint of crumbs; add the yolks of four well beaten eggs, mixing a tablespoon of sugar into them as you are beating them; add also about two tablespoons of Madeira wine, a teaspoon of vanilla or some other extract, and finally the strawberry pulp. When these ingredients have become thoroughly blended, whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and fold them in, then put the mixture into a buttered pudding dish or mold; cover the top with a layer of cake crumbs. Set the mold in a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven for about half an hour. Serve a combination of whipped cream and well sweetened strawberry pulp as a sauce.