Scotch Potato Scones

One and one-half cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half teaspoonful salt, one cupful mashed potatoes, one-third cupful butter and one egg.
Sift the flour, salt and baking powder together. After adding the mashed potatoes rub in the butter lightly. Make a soft dough by adding the well beaten egg, and, if necessary, a little milk. The dough must be of a consistency to roll, so if needed add a little flour. Divide the mass into three pans and roll into balls one-half an inch thick.
Cut each across twice to make four parts. Bake twenty to thirty minutes in a quick oven or on a griddle, and when done split and butter.
Hot or cold, these are equally good.

The quantities here given made the equivalent of about one dozen little baking powder biscuits and could be substituted for them at any meal, but best at luncheon or supper. As an accompaniment to salad or soufflé and forming the backbone of a light meal the scones are in their element.