Put two quarts of raspberries into a stone jar or granite kettle, pour over one quart of pure cider vinegar; cover and stand aside for two days; drain off the liquor without mashing the berries, and pour it over another quart of fresh fruit, placed in the same jar or kettle, and stand aside as before.
At the end of two days strain this carefully and pour it over another quart of fresh fruit, and let it stand one day. This time turn the fruit into a jelly bag of two thicknesses of cheese cloth, and press it until dry.
Wash the kettle, return the syrup, add one pound of sugar to each pint of liquid; stir until the sugar is dissolved, boil five minutes, skim, bottle, cork with new corks and seal the bottles. Raspberry vinegar makes a very refreshing drink, diluted with water, in hot weather.