Pineapple Bread Pudding

Take 1 lb. of breadcrumbs, 1 small tin

Take 1 lb. of breadcrumbs, 1 small tin of pineapple, 2 eggs, 1 pint milk, 3oz. sugar, and 2oz. butter. Beat the butter and sugar well together, and add the yolks of eggs and the breadcrumbs, and stir in the milk; then add sufficient pineapple juice to make a smooth batter. Take two-thirds of the pineapple, cut into rather small pieces, and stir into other ingredients; then pour into a well-greased dish, bake in a moderate oven for about an hour; beat the whites of eggs into a stiff froth, adding a little castor sugar while doing so. Pile it on top of the pudding in a rocky heap and decorate with remainder of pineapple. Place it in oven until it is set.