From 1922:
Six oz. flour, 6 oz. castor sugar, four large or five small eggs, two teaspoonfuls butter, one half teaspoonful baking powder. Separate the yolks and the whites of eggs; beat the yolks and sugar together until the mixture is light and frothy. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add them to the yolks and sugar, and continue beating for a quarter of an hour. Put the butter into a small jar and set the jar in boiling water until the butter melts. Have the flour ready sifted with the baking powder, add a little of the flour to the beaten eggs and sugar then add the melted butter and then the rest of the flour. Turn the mixture lightly over with a fork until both butter and flour are thoroughly blended. Pour into prepared sandwich tins and cook for about 20 minutes in a fairly hot oven. When cold spread with a butter filling. Place the two layers together, cover the top with butter filling and sprinkle thickly with pounded nougat toffee.
To make the nougat toffee take 1 lb. castor sugar, 12 oz. sweet almonds, and one teaspoonful of lemon juice. Blanche and shred the almonds, place them in a moderately hot oven and leave them there until they are pale brown, turning them at intervals. Put the sugar and lemon juice into a clean enamelled saucepan, heat them gently, stirring well till all the sugar is melted; then remove the spoon, wipe the inside of the saucepan with a damp cloth, and boil till the syrup is pale brown. Add the hot almonds and pour the toffee into an oiled tin. Leave it till quite cold, then pound up.
For the butter icing, beat half a teacupful of fresh butter till it is like whipped cream, add one and a half teacupfuls of sifted icing sugar. Mix thoroughly and add vanilla or almond flavouring.