Molded Rice with Fruit

Rice lends itself to many treatments and easily

From 1922:

Rice lends itself to many treatments and easily becomes a different desert. It may be cooked in water, but is richer and has more food value if cooked in milk. Skimmed milk may be used and and cream served with the rice. All kinds of fruit – dried, canned or fresh – may be combined with the cooked rice.
The following recipe is a good cold rice dessert:
One cup washed rice, 4 cups milk, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 strips of lemon or orange rind, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup cream beaten until stiff, ½ teaspoon vanilla, 2 cups cut-up fruit.
In a double boiler heat the milk and add the rice, salt and lemon or orange rind. Cook about one and one-half hours, or until the rice is tender.
Add sugar, remove from fire and cool. Then fold lightly in the beaten cream and turn the mixture into a mold.
Thoroughly chill and at serving time turn from the mold and surround with fruit.