Lady Cup

Into a punch bowl empty a quart of claret and a bottle of soda water, add a wineglassful of curacoa

From 1894:

One of the most enjoyable of all summer entertainment is a garden party given under the beneficient auspices of the clerk of the weather, as without much trouble or great expense a hostess may in a delightful way discharge many of the pressing claims to her hospitality and wipe off old scores, without having to open her purse strings very wide. The refreshments to be provided are of a more or less simple kind – plenty of dainty sandwiches, cakes, ices, strawberries and cream, and a variety of drinks without stint, in addition to the tea and coffee. The following recipe produces very satisfactory results. It is a delicious beverage, for which we cannot find a better name than “Lady” Cup.

Into a punch bowl empty a quart of claret and a bottle of soda water, add a wineglassful of curacoa, and sweeten to taste with sugar; then throw in a handful of picked and bruised mint leaves and 2 lb. of crushed ice, add 1 quart of champagne, stir briskly, and serve up.