Here’s the recipe for the kaiser’s famous “kartoffel-brod.”
It is furnished by a famous hotel chef, Albert Stalle, who has been serving it in one of the swellest Chicago cafes for a number of days.
Chief ingredients:
cold boiled potatoes;
whole wheat flour;
whole rye flour.

The potatoes must be thoroughly boiled, and equally thoroughly dried. Then they must be grated very fine. Combine the ingredients in the proportion of 1-3 grated potato, 1-3 rye flour, and 1-3 whole wheat flour. Make a sponge with half of the wheat flour; add 1-2 ounce of yeast and enough water to make soft dough. Let sponge rise to double the volume and add 1 ounce of salt. Add grated cold potato and the remaining flour and lukewarm water. Make a stiff dough and let it rise to double the volume. Work it down and shape in loaf form. Let it rise to double the volume and bake in hot oven for 1 hour.
Loaves of bread weighing two pounds five ounces can be baked from this recipe at a .cost of 5 cents each. They are both palatable and nourishing.