From 1918:
1 cupful fine hominy
2 egg yolks
1 quart milk
1 cupful chopped nuts
½ teaspoonful salt
Soak hominy in milk for several hours, then cook slowly for three hours in a double boiler, stirring frequently. When finished season with salt, and add the beaten yolks of the eggs and the chopped nuts. Turn into a pan and let stand until firm.
Cut into slices and fry in hot fat until crisp and brown.
The slices may be dipped in egg and bread crumbs if a very crisp crust is desired. This, however, is unnecessary. The recipe gives us a palatable and nourishing meat substitute, the nuts furnishing the necessary protein. A luncheon can be made most attractive when this is used as the main dish. The cost is 39 cents, and will amply serve six people. These crisps, sauted in bacon drippings, are very delicious, but a bit unpatriotic just now, unless these are saved from the occasional dish of breakfast bacon.