Green Tomato Pickle

1 oz. cloves, a few chillies

From 1922:

To 14 lb. green tomatoes, one large cup sugar, one dozen small onions, ½ lb. mustard, 1 oz. mustard seed, 2 oz. turmeric, 2 oz. allspice, one large cup flour, 1 oz. cloves, a few chillies.
Cut the tomatoes into slices, liquor, and sprinkle with salt, let draw two days. Pour off, and put all ingredients into a pan, cover with vinegar, and boil until quite tender. Put into jars, and cover when cold.

Recipe No. 2:
6 lb. tomatoes, slice and sprinkle with salt, leave 12 hours, drain off liquor, slice two large onions, two tablespoonfuls cloves, allspice, mustard seed, half-cup mustard, 1 oz. turmeric, half pint treacle, 1 lb. sugar, two quarts vinegar. Put treacle, sugar and vinegar into pans, let simmer half an hour, add tomatoes, onions, and spices. Boil 15 to 20 minutes. Seal, and put into cool place. Ready in three weeks.