Fit short pastry over the outside of a pie tin, instead of the inside, and prick with a fork to prevent blistering; then set the pan, pastry side up, in a moderate oven to cook until done.
Let cool; then fill with this mixture:
Heat one cupful of milk to the boiling point in a double boiler; add two teaspoonfuls of cornstarch wet with a tablespoonful of cold milk, a pinch of salt, and one rounding tablespoonful of sugar; stir until the mixture has cooked five minutes, which will burst the starch cells. Whip one egg yolk with a little of the hot mixture, then turn it into the custard, stirring until the egg is blended. Let it become cool; then strain through a sieve and mix with a cupful of fresh pineapple, shredded or chopped very fine. Spread in the pastry shell. Whip the white of the egg with one tablespoonful of sugar and a small bit of salt until it will keep its shape; then add a little lemon juice to take away the egg taste. Spread over the pie and place in a very moderate oven to delicately brown. Watch the pie during this process very carefully, as the meringue burns very quickly. Serve this pie cold.
Fresh Pineapple Pie
Serve this pie cold.