Fairy Cakes

4oz. sugar, 2oz. cornflour, 2oz. butter, 4oz. castor suga

From 1922:

4oz. sugar, 2oz. cornflour, 2oz. butter, 4oz. castor sugar, 2oz. Sultanas, 2 eggs, ½ cupful milk, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, a little vanilla flavoring.
Melt the butter, beat it to a cream, stir in the sugar, then the flour with the baking powder added, then add the sultanas. Beat the eggs and add milk with the eggs and flavoring. Pour into the mixture, beat well together until it looks like cream. Grease some fatty tins and put a tablespoonful of the mixture into each tin and bake in a quick oven for 15 minutes.