From 1922:
Ingredients: 1 ½ lb. of vegetable marrow, ¼ lb. of shallots, ½ lb. Of onions, ½ oz. of ground ginger, ¼ teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, 1 lb. of cooked beetroot, ½ lb. of sugar, 1 oz. of salt, ¾ pint of vinegar.
Method: Peel, remove the seeds and cut up the marrow. Peel and mince the onions and shallots. Put them with the marrow on a flat dish and sprinkle well with salt. Leave all night. The next day peel the beetroot and put it through a mincer; put it with the other ingredients into an enamel pan, bring to the boil, then simmer gently for two hours; stir often and watch that the mixture does not burn, especially as it thickens. Put into bottles and cork well; cover with bladder or parchment.