
After supper, put two tablespoons of sugar (heaping), two tablespoons of

From 1911:

After supper, put two tablespoons of sugar (heaping), two tablespoons of butter (heaping), one tablespoon of salt (rounded), into one pint scalded milk, when butter is melted, pour into your mixing pan and add one pint of cold milk or half and half water and milk. Dissolve one cake of moist yeast in half a cup of warm water and stir in sifted flour until the spoon will stand a second and then slowly fall over. If you want extra large loaves put in one cup more of milk or water.
Cover closely and let rise over night.
In the morning stir down, turn on the board and knead only sufficient to shape into loaves. Let rise, and bake. Makes three large loaves or two loaves and 20 biscuits. Whole time to stir up at night and stir down in the morning isn’t over 10 minutes and the bread is excellent.