BRAISED DUCK by Gretchen Lederer

Clean and truss, but do not stuff, young, tender ducks. Lay upon a bed of fat ham, minced onion, chopped

From 1915:

Who said it is beneath the dignity of a girl with a profession to learn to cook? Dear me, if girls really knew just how well their best beaux like to see them in a pretty apron, sleeves rolled up, and big stirring spoon in hand, they would change their notions about cooking.
My favorite recipe is braised duck cooked in the following way:

Clean and truss, but do not stuff, young, tender ducks. Lay upon a bed of fat ham, minced onion, chopped celery, and parsley and sliced carrot and pour a cupful of boiling water over them. Cover roaster tight and cook in a moderate oven for two hours. Strain the liquor into sauce pan, remove all fat and let come to boil. Then add one teaspoonful of lemon juice, thicken with browned flour, immerse the fowls in sauce until hot again, and serve.