Apricot Cream

Prepare ½ pint of apricot puree

From 1922:

Prepare ½ pint of apricot puree (tinned or bottled apricots may be used); the puree is made by passing them through a fine sieve. Whip ½ pint of cream stiffly, and stir it lightly into the puree. Dissolve ¾ oz. of leaf gelatine in a little water and put with ¼ pint of apricot syrup, add 1 ½ oz. of castor sugar and 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice and let it cool, then strain into the cream, etc., and add cochineal drop by drop until the desired color is obtained. Pour the mixture into the prepared mould, and stand on ice or in a cold place until firm.